Katie Pendergrass

Katherine (Katie) Pendergrass is a graduate student in the combined Equivalency and Master of Music Therapy program. She graduated from Midwestern State University (MSU) in Wichita Falls, TX in May 2018, receiving a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in music and psychology. While at MSU, Katie participated in the Redwine Honors Program and was a member of the Oratorio Chorus all four years. While at MSU she developed an interest in research, presenting two music related topics at the Celebration of Scholarship Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum. These presentations were “BEAD No R Composition Project” which created compositions that served to raise awareness of the problem of food insecurity and “Effects of Music on the Listener’s Moods and Emotions”. She participated in various service organizations while in college and after graduation, she spent two years serving with AmeriCorps NCCC Southwest region, first as a Corps Member and then as a Team Leader.  During that time, she assisted communities in addressing their self-identified goals. Katie is excited to begin her studies in music therapy at ASU as she sees it as a way to combine her passion for music and her desire to serve others.