- Contact the faculty advisor to plan a course of study. If notified of a graduate assistantship award, contact the Program Director concerning responsibilities.
- At the beginning of the first semester of study, take the Hayes School of Music Graduate Proficiency Examinations.
- During the first semester of study, MM students will complete the Graduate Committee Form.
- Creative Thesis/Composition: During the first semester of study, submit a proposal for the composition.
- MM students complete the Program of Study form and the Admission to Candidacy form prior to the close of the first semester of study.
- MMT students who plan to write a thesis will discuss potential members of the committee with their advisor and will invite prospective members of the thesis committee to serve prior to completion of the thesis prospectus.
- Register with the Office of Career Planning and Placement.
- By the end of the first week of the final semester, complete the Application for the Degree.
- Complete written Comprehensive Examinations.
- Schedule the recital/thesis defense and oral examinations. Students are encouraged to consult the Timeline for the Thesis on the webpage of the Graduate School.
- Creative Thesis/Recital: At least four weeks prior to the recital date, deliver the first draft of relative written materials to the members of the graduate committee.
- Thesis, Clinical Paper, or Creative Thesis in Composition: At least four weeks prior to the thesis defense, deliver the first draft of the thesis (or the inked/printed composition or the first draft of the accompanying paper) to the members of the graduate committee.
- Recital: At least two weeks prior to the recital date, perform the recital jury.
- Thesis, Clinical Paper, Creative Thesis, or Composition: At least two weeks prior to the thesis defense, deliver the final draft of the thesis, clinical paper, accompanying paper, or composition (with accompanying paper) to the members of the graduate committee.
- Recital: At least one week prior to the recital date, acquire all signatures for the approval of the written material.
- Complete all recitals, thesis defense, and oral examinations.
- Complete any required thesis revisions and submit to the Graduate School.