- The student and the applied teacher will determine the program and date of the recital.
- The applied teacher will supervise the student's preparation of program notes relative to the recital.
- The first draft of program notes will be submitted to the committee for feedback and suggestions at least four weeks prior to the recital date. Feedback will be given to the student no later than the date of the recital jury.
- The program notes will include background of the composer related to the music being performed, as well as an elucidation of the music in relation to the audience. Voice graduate students will include translations of the text, with translators being cited.
- The student’s recital jury committee will hear the entire recital to approve or disapprove its public performance at least two weeks prior to the recital date. The jury will be composed of the student's applied teacher and two other faculty members invited by the student, after the student has sought input from the applied teacher. Scheduling the recital jury is the responsibility of the student and their applied teacher.
- The student’s applied faculty must approve the program notes at least one week prior to the recital date.
- The recital will be no longer than one hour in duration, including all transitions. Recitals longer than one hour may be approved by the committee and building manager on a case-by-case basis as scheduling allows.
In addition to the above requirements, applied area requirements are the following:
Brass and Woodwinds
- The recital will contain at least forty-five minutes of music.
- The amount of repertoire to be memorized is at the discretion of the applied teacher.
- The recital literature will be approved by the student's applied teacher and represent the best literature for the given instrument at a graduate level performance.
- The recital will contain approximately forty-five minutes of music.
- The amount of recital repertoire to be memorized is at the discretion of the applied teacher.
- The recital literature will be approved by the applied teacher and will represent the standard literature of contrasting style periods.
- The recital will contain approximately forty minutes of music.
- All areas of percussion, i.e., keyboard percussion (vibraphone and marimba), timpani, and multiple percussion will be represented.
- At least one selection will be accompanied, i.e., by piano or a chamber group.
- At least one avant-garde composition will be performed.
- The recital will consist of forty to fifty minutes of memorized solo literature.
- The recital will contain compositions from at least two style periods.
- If the student chooses to give a lecture recital, at least twenty-five minutes should be a memorized performance.
- The recital will contain a minimum of forty-five minutes of music, consisting of standard literature performed at a level demonstrating artistic maturity.
- The recital program will contain works from three or four style periods and contain a virtuoso composition, an unaccompanied composition, a duo sonata or chamber work, and at least one memorized composition.
- The recital will contain at least forty-five minutes of music. The recital may be performed with a score.
- The recital will consist of repertoire drawn from the principal historical periods of organ composition.
- The recital will contain approximately fifty minutes of music.
- The recital repertoire must be memorized with the exclusion of chamber music.
- The student will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in singing French, German, Italian, and English compositions. The recital literature will be approved by the voice faculty and will represent the standard literature of contrasting style periods.
- The recital program must include selections in all four of the above languages. However, with consent of the voice faculty, students who demonstrate unusual proficiency in these languages may elect to present a specialized recital (i.e., a song cycle, solo cantata, etc.).
- By jury performance before at least three members of the voice faculty, the student must demonstrate vocal techniques, musicianship, and artistry compatible with graduate standards.
- The jury recital will take place during a rehearsal not more than two weeks prior to the scheduled recital date. The student will be judged on ability to successfully lead the ensemble towards musical excellence through gesture and effective rehearsal techniques.
- The recital must consist of approximately forty-five minutes of music performance. All literature must be approved by the student's applied teacher. The literature must require a conductor; chamber music not requiring a conductor for successful performance is not acceptable.
- The student is responsible for acquiring performers and organizing the ensemble including, but not limited to, securing rehearsal space and setting a rehearsal schedule for not more than four rehearsals not to exceed two hours at a time.
- If the recital performance requires a full semester of rehearsal, the student may request a section of MUS 1107 Small Ensemble to be offered under the supervision of the committee chair. Performers may enroll and receive one hour credit.
- The recital should represent success in the three major areas of conducting: score preparation, rehearsal, and performance.
- Recital only option: The recital will consist of forty-five minutes of music composed during studies at the Hayes School of Music. The student will perform and/or conduct one work on the recital program.
- Recital and Thesis option: The recital will consist of thirty minutes of music composed during studies at the Hayes School of Music. The student will perform and/or conduct one work on the recital program. See below for Thesis requirements.
Thesis Option - Composition
- By the third week of the third semester of study, the student will submit a composition project proposal. The proposal must be approved by the thesis committee. At least two of the committee members must be members of the theory/composition faculty.
- The student must submit the official thesis proposal form to the Graduate School before the end of the third semester.
- The composition will be a significant work with a duration of at least ten minutes.
- A detailed description of the work will accompany the composition. This document must conform to formal thesis requirements set forth by the Graduate School. The student may also elect to write an analytical paper in place of the description of their work.
- The finished composition and the first draft of the accompanying paper will be submitted to the committee members at least four weeks prior to the defense of the thesis.
- Each committee member will receive the final copy of the thesis at least two weeks prior to its defense.
Note: In addition to these Hayes School of Music requirements, the student is responsible for adhering to all thesis requirements and deadlines from the Graduate School.